Bachelor’s Program
  • Major

    Clinical Medicine


    Academic Qualification and Bachelor's degree from the University of Wenzhou Medical University and Bachelor's degree in Medical Science from the University of Alberta

    Length of Study

    5 years


    International perspective

    English competence

    Diversified Knowledge

    Enriched Knowledge

    Systematic knowledge

    Excellence in Competence

    Autonomous Learning

    Life-long Learning

    First-class thinking

    Distinguished Personality

    International Medical Talent


    1.Dual student status, earn dual degree from China and Canada

    It integrates the high-quality teaching resources of both prestigious parent universities. Students can earn two degrees: a bachelor's degree in clinical medicine in Wenzhou Medical University and a bachelor's degree in medical science in University of Alberta.

    2.Chinese and Western integration, innovative curriculum system

    Adopting the North American Organ System Integration Curriculum Concept, combing with group cooperation, case discussion, virtual simulation and other mixed teaching methods, to cultivate students’ independent, self-motivated and cooperative learning ability.

    3.Improve English and expand international perspectives

    By offering students with featured IELTS courses, bilingual courses taught by foreign teachers in English, short-term exchange abroad, and interactive student activities with international students, we expected to student to level up their international competitiveness.

    4.High-standard, multi-level academic faculty

    Conducting face-to-face activities with academicians and experts, implementing a dual basic and clinical mentorship system, and nurturing the seedlings of leading medical talents.


    1-2 Academic Years

    Small-class tutored IELTS English courses

    Bilingual discussion-based medical basic courses

    English discussion-based foreign elective courses

    Improve English and develop international horizons;

    Cultivate independent and collaborative learning ability;

    Cover the examination points for licensed physicians;

    Meet the Canadian preparatory requirements

    3-4 Academic Years

    English discussion-based medical core course

    Organ systems concept integrates basic clinical knowledge

    5 Academic Years

    High-quality Affiliated Hospital Practical Courses

    Distinguished clinical practice ability

Tel.: 0577-86689780
Fax: 0577-86689700
Address: North 1st Floor, Biomedical Research Building, Wenzhou Medical University
Copyright 2023 Alberta Institute,Wenzhou Medical University